
Sick Lemo 病猫柠檬

Lemo was sick. Poor her. She start to pupu a lot, and all those pupu were like water, but really really kusaii. She couldn't control herself, so she pupu every where. We don't know why that she likes pupu in our bathroom, but we had to clean up every time. We thought she would stop pupu soon, but she didn't. And, she start to yell a lot, kind of like crying. Finally, we decided take her to doctor. Then day we went to see the doctor was raining, and on our way to there, she pupued IN MY CAR!!!! That was so kusaii!!! Toshi and I almost dead because of it. After we got there, doctor exam her ears, eyes, and teeth. And he cut her nail, gave us some pills. Lemo was so afraid over there, she lost a lot of hair. Now, two days after we gave her the pill, she start to looks fine. It cast me 89 dollar!!!! Well, it will all goes to Bon!!
柠檬前段时间生病了,她开始拉肚子,而且是没有规则的,大便看起来就像水一样,并且哦,超级的臭!!!一开始我还以为只要几天就好了,可是柠檬却没有停过,而且她好像不能自己控制大便,随地大便哦!不过她最喜欢在洗手间的地毯上大便了,害的我们还要洗地毯。最后,我们终于受不了,决定带她去看医生。那天正好下雨,柠檬居然在我车里大便!!超级,超级臭!!!!真的哦!!!她在医院的时候超级紧张,掉了很多很多的毛。医生帮她检查了耳朵,眼睛,牙齿,还帮她剪了指甲。回来后,我们在她的食物里放进医生开的药,一开始她察觉到后就不吃,后来饿极了的她不得不吃。今天已经是第三天了,柠檬看起来好了很多~~~真好。不过花了我89美元!!!!!还好,还好,会向小邦报账!! Posted by Hello

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