
Cry for a lost 为了失去的而哭

Toshi washed out my contact lenses last night!!(Cry) That's my only pair!!! I went to Wal-markt this morning for a new pair of contact lenses. I thought I could get a new pair just right there, but they have to order from somewhere and it takes 5 days!!! FIVE DAY!!! That means I have to wear glasses for 5 days!!! I don't wanna!!!! I look so ugly with glasses!!! But, what can I do. They told me that they have to order a special kind contact lenses because my they told me that my left eyes shape look like a football and it need some special kind contact lenses. Well,  5 days without contact lenses shouldn't be so hard! Huh.. Can't go waterpark before I get the contact lenses. I am so not lucky with all those park thing.

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