
Balance Check

It's hard to keep a good balance in life.

Many things need a good balance:

1. Money:
--how much is enough?
--how much should I spend a month?
--what is the line of cheeseparing and frugality?
--what is the line of dissipate and use on the right things?

2. Work
--how much is work too much?
--how hard is work too hard?

3. Food
--how to eat to be health?
--how much drinks are too much?
--how many food is too little?

4. Health
--how often should we work-out?
--how often should we take break from life?

5. Love
--how much is giving too much?
--how little is not giving enough?
--how deep is too deep of love?
--how selfish is too selfish becuase of love?

I always not good at keep good balance....
Sometimes too much, sometimes not enough...

It's hard to keep balance
I am trying to not do too much to you
I am afraid it will be too much for you
sometimes I think it is not fair,
I don't want to be a selfish person.

even love is selfish.

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