is at a very busy main street.
So many cars on the road, and so many shops on the side.
I can see a man who is holding a sign on the side of street.
No matter sunny or snowing,
he is always there, holding his sign.
That is his job,
That is what he does for living.
Everytime when I look at him, I feel that my life is good.
But, don't say that man is so poor
or he must be unhappy about his life.
No one has the rights to judge others' life.
When my old friend asked me
"are you doing good those years?"
I asked him
"What is the definition of the good?"
He said
"yeah...I wanna know too."
Don't change your way of life
because what most people think the life should be
or most people think what GOOD, SUSSCE or HAPPY is.
Don't judge others' life by what they are doing;
how much money they have;
how many love they get;
how good they look...
Are you happy or not,
Only you know.
Don't live a life which is others' dream.
Live in your own dream.
Go your way, Life is only once.
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