It's the fat time~!
Once a year, I will be fat. And now it is the time. I remember the year of 2003, the fall, I met Bon outside of my house. Bon said to me:" Shanshan, be careful. You get fat a lot." I looked down at my meat, yeah, I was fat. My face was so round. The year of 2004, I don't remember that much, but I looked at my old blog which I wrote around last Fall. I talked about get fat and my face looked fat. This year too...already three people told me that I got fat. Ah---
I have to watch out for my weight, but there just too many things that I have to watch out for. Eating become one of the few enjoyments of my life. Sounds sad, but good food makes me happy. Now, I understand why people eat a lot when they have stress or depression. Un...I become one of them?
What is the best time of this couple years so far? I think it from last April until Augest. Four months were nice. I was happy and no stress at most of time. Un...why?

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