When did we get up in the morining? Oh~ I remembered. We were talking about got up around 8:30 a.m. But, might be everybody was too tired, no one got up until 9 a.m. Takeshi was the first one who got up, and he asked me when we should got up. I looked at the time, it was past 9 a.m. I said:"Now." Masa was eatting food during early morining, and everyone heard about the eating sound, that was so funny. As soon as we got up, Masa and Tomoatsu started to perpare for the
day. First time to saw them wear suit, haha, not too bad. They actually looked younger. After they perpared, we hit the road. During day time, the signs were much easiler to be seen. I found the way pertty easy and soon. We arrived at WTC short after 10 a.m, and the huge parking lots were not so full, but already many cars.

We saw a lot of Japanese on the way when we walked to WTC from the parking lot. Everyone dressed in dark color suit, and all the girls dressed in dark color suit too. I
was kind of suprised by that 'cause I didn't know that Japanese people take this job fair thing this real. There were Dounking and 7-11 besided the WTC building. We hadn't had breakfast yet, so we went in there and got coffee. So many people were in Dounking and some of people looked so busy. Masa and Tomoatsu looked so young compare to other people, and Takeshi and I didn't dress up like for job fair, so we looked odd in the group. I felt that I was in Japan which everyone can speak English.
Masa and Tomoatsu got their first picture as offically went to job fair by me. They looked funny it the picture, but it was nice. Soon, around 11 a.m, they went into the job fair which Takeshi and I couldn't not enter. We said good luck to them, and headed to Boston.

Where to go in Boston? Of cause HARVARD~! We took bus and subway get Harvard. The bus and subway was very easy to find and take, it was not long time from WTC to Harvard. Un~Boston wasn't that big. Soon after we arrived at Harvard, we just walked around. I went there before, so I kind of know the way
around. We went to a very nice cigar store, it has all kind of things for smokers and drinkers. Intersting to see. Around noon, we went to eat. Didn't order that much, but the best thing we ordered was New England Carem Chower~! Who doesn't like that soup~!? It was so good, the best that I had in my life~! Other food were good too, but I couldn't forget the SOUP~! Lunch was good, we didn't finish everything, haha, many we weren't that hungry. Harvard Squre has a lot of shops, all kinds. We just walked around and went to different shops. But we didn't really buy much stuff. When we got tired, we went to Harvard bookstore. Wow...crazy inside~!
So many people, so many books, so many Harvard's flags. We didn't stay inside that long 'cuase felt so heavy...after all, we are not study-type students..haha...~ It was around 3 p.m, Takeshi and I were getting tired, so we decided to go back to WTC.

Job fair were still going on. We called Masa and Tomoatsu, they were still inside, and said it wouldn't be finish shortily. Takeshi and I went to coffee shop arcoss the stree. The coffee shop is under a hotel, arcoss with the
hotel's lobb. So many Japanese people were in there, taking break, drinking coffee, talking or leaving. Masa and Tomoatsu came to coffee shop during the break time, they looked tired. It was only 4 hours, but I am sure they were tired. They ordered coffee and cakes, talked about what was going on insdie to Takeshi, also show us all the companies information. Those companise are all well-known compnaies, like IBM,
TOYOTA, HONDA...They told us it was really hard, harder than they thought. The real world's first taste wasn't sweet enough. But, good enough, still they have power to make fun of things, talking with each other with the suit made them looked like businese man. They told us that they had to stay there until at least 5 p.m. Soon, they left coffee shop, and Takeshi and I wondered around, didn't know what to do 'cuase there wasn't anything that we could do. We decided went back to car and wait them over there.

It began to rain so hard, and Boston was so cold. Lucky, I couldn't trun on
the heat in my car, we were warm in the car. Nothing to do, we started to taking picutres. Takeshi bought a very cool Harvard sign over Harvard, we went out from the car, took a picture of he hold the sign. Haha...nice picture. We didn't wait so long until they finished. They were so tired. We just went back to hotel after it 'cause they were tired, and they didn't want to wear suit wonder around in Boston. Time flies fast. Soon, it was around 9 p.m, we started talk about what to eat for diner. Of cause they were tired, and didn't really wanna go somewhere so far. Tomoatsu wanted to eat shabu-shabu, suprised to know that he never ate before. Lucky, there was a Japanese restaurant called SAKE which is so colse to
hotel. We went there, and it was a normal American style Japanese restaurant. We were happy to just sit down and eat some warm food. I didn't wanted to order anything since three of guys can decided what they want for Japanese food. They ordered food and beer too. Food was good, and Masa was making fun of a lot of things and talked about how funny one of the teachers that he has. It was fun time. Tomoatsu and Takeshi ordered a lot of beer, but they were strong, so none of them were drunk. We had fun over a lot over there. Food was good, people's feeling was good too. Outside was cold and raining, insdie was warm...un...good time.

After eat, after we went back to hotel, Tomoatsu and Masa thought today was enough for Boston Job Fair. They decided to go for Harvard tomorrow~! Haha...gonna be good.
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