Oct 6th~! Masa's birthday~! 23 years old this year, he said it is a not good and not bad year, just normal, no much meanings.
I and Katsu wanted to do something for him. We planed two parties and both of them are suprise parties. I was doing the one in soul beat, and katsu was doing the one in their house.
On that day, we went to StopShop to buy things. I bought one small cake for soul beat, and other little stuff. Katsu bought a lot of things, food, beer...after stopshop, we went to buy ice cream cake which was for the house party.
I went to soul beat a little bit earlier, and talked to the Ojiichan who is the security guard of ABC building. He has been seeing us since one year ago, and we all like him a lot. I told the Ojiichan that it was Masa's brithday, and we wanted to do suprise party for him at end of soul beat which was around 10:15. We needed his help. He said ok, haha so nice of him. During the soul beat, Katsu didn't come, of cause I know that Katsu was perparing the party, but I still asked Masa where was Katsu. Just try to make him think there is nothing in the house. Around 10:10, I went out to security office and find Ojiichan. Ojiichan said he would go first and tell him that there is some problem with the light, he had to turn off them. Then, I would go in with cake. Hahaha....that was good idea. Ojiichan went there first and turn off the light. I went in with cake, and I was worried about no one would sing happy birthday song, but they did~!!! I couldn't see Masa's face first 'cause of no light, but when I walked close to him, I saw the smile of his face. Haha...I was so happy to see he was happy. Hahaha....happy happy..un...really happy. He was suprised and happy. Long time no see that kine of smile of his. We all shared cake with soul beat memebers and Ojiichan.
There was another party waitting for him in the house, but he didn't know. Katsu, Tomoatsu and I know. After soul beat, Katsu and I tried to hold Masa in my car for let Tomoatsu go to house first. We just sit in the car and talked about Salssa...hahaha....
After we got in their house, I was suprised as Masa, 'cause therte was full of people outside of the house. We went in to the house, I was suprised as Masa agian~! There was Masa's pcitures everywhere in the house, and a huge picture of him on the wall. Wooooo....I was thinking that Katsu did a huge project for Masa. Masa got nice gifts from people, and he was happy. Katsu was so busy during the party, and I was honto thinking that how great Katsu is for Masa as a good friend and roommate. I wish I could do as much as Katsu did for Masa. He has been so nice to me.
Well~! Masa, ganbate ne. Everybody had hard time or having hard time, but don't give up your dreams ne~! Best things will happen to you soon. I truly wish you the best from my heart.
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