

It is March already. Time past faster than I thought. February was busy month, but I could be more busy is fine too.
February's topics of the month were:

QUIT TO THINK ABOUT SMOKING. (Which I did it~!!!!)
STUDY AS MUCH AS I CAN (Which I found out it was not that easy..., i couldnt see any improvement...)
OVER COME MY DEPRESSIONS (Which I did for sometimes, and sometimes I couldn't...)

From March! I will keep doing those three topics and try to do better. Also, I will add another topic:
ONLY USE $200 A MONTH~~~!!!
(....it always hard when it comes with the money...: cell phone, gas & car , food, and I plan to go get hair-cut in NY....ma....maybe I should change to $250...OK!! NO MORE THAN 250 AND ONLY FOR MARCH.)

UN....try my best.
and the last topic of timeless:KEEP BEING A BETTER PERSON, AND LOVING YOU.be ready~!

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