Miss.S was on the phone with me, sharing her relationship problems as usual. She said it is such a hard work to keep relationship working, and I couldn't agree more.
Mr.B and I had our first argument today. I'd like to think it is an argument, it wasn't bad enough to be a fight, but it was bad enough to make me feel uncomfortable. The reason of the argument was small, like all other fights between couples, most of the reasons are small. My place was out of power, and I called Mr.B to ask if I can stay over his place if the power wouldn't back on. Mr.B wasn't willing to let me go to his place yet because he think his place has been clean enough yet. And, I didn't see that as a problem to keep me not going there, but for Mr.B, it is a problem. We agrued a little bit, more like we tried to convnicing each other by reasoning, but couldn't convnie each other. By the time when Mr.B said:" I told you when we start to dating that I am very busy, and you want me to go to your place all the time." I knew he was getting upset by the argument. I could have asked him:" What do you mean by I WANT YOU to come to my place all the time? You mean that you didn't want to come, and always is me ask you to?" But I didn't. I know if I said that, our argument will change to fight. It won't be any good for us. I didn't like what Mr.B said above. But it sounded like a typical couple's fight. I know where he will be going if I keep push the wave, so I just gave up. Later, Mr.B offered to come over tomorrow, and I asked him:" Do you want to?" to make sure that.
It's about time for us to have an argument or small fight. We have been together for half year now, and hadn't get into any argument or fight, which is really good and lucky too. No matter how close our point of views, personailties, thoughts are, we are still different people who grown up in different cultures, have different life experiences, belong to different age range, have different friends, etc. We have to learn to deal with the arguments and fights. As long as we want to be with each other, we need to know that there will be many more of the unpleasant arguments and fights in front of us.
I just want the best for our relationship. I hope Mr.B and I can both learn from our daily experience to creat less argments.
Well, that's what takes to be a couple.
As I always said, I have my fingers arcossed. Wish me the best.
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