8.16.1998. I left China with 2 huge suitcases (one of them was over weight), took a 14 hours flight, landed at LA, USA. The sun was so shining, airport was full of people mixed with the smell of coffee and cold air from the air-conditioner. Everything was so fun, so new, so scared, and so unexpected. My heart was jumping crazy with excitement, but mixed with fears. Never past single English exam back in China, and no idea what is TOFEL, I started my life in USA.
I can't even put my feelings into the words now.... 10 years.... I can't even judge my life for everything that happened is this 10 years. The things I lost, and the thing I gained. I wonder if this 10 years were worth for my life or not. Could my life be better if I stayed in China? Could I become a better, wiser person if I stayed in China? Could I never got hurts that much if I stayed in China? All those questions can not be answered now. Maybe I need 10 more years to find out that.
I am not a smart person. I learned things from pains, lost, disappoints and mistakes. This 10 year is very meaningful for me. It is the 10 year which I transform from my youth to adulthood. What I am about to become were all depended on the past 10 years.
Wooo.....I still don't believe this.... 10 years.... for some people to look at my life, they might think I am a loser ( and I know some people really want see me fail and call me a loser ), but whatever they judge me, my judgement is in my heart, not their eyes.
Hopefully, I will be much wiser in the next 10 years. No matter where I will be, and who I will be with.