From late 1980s, the WHITE hou-guo started getting popluar. WHITE simly means non-spicy. The soup of WHITE is made by chicken or fish. In side of it is tomato. People really like to eat what we call "鸳鸯埚" (LOVE BRIDS). Like the picture above, the huo-guo will be cut into half, one side is RED (spicy) and one side is WHITE (non-spicy). People like it because the WHITE soup is very health and at the same time, the non-spicy soup can calm down the spicy in the mouth.
What do we eat with Huo-guo?? You will be suprised to know that we eat almost everything. Everthing that you can think about it.The sytle of Huo-guo is changing very fast. Now, we have many differnt kind of it, but no matter how it changes, the SPICY will never be changed.
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