2006年12月14日 星期四 晴
2006年12月13日 星期三 陰
2006年11月1日 星期三 晴
2006年10月16日 星期一 晴
正和我已經買好了去LAS VEGAS的機票了,11月21日--11月25日。(期待中...)
我最近在擔心自己和正的將來,因爲畢竟正比我小,我對小男生的偏見就是他們比較自私。這也難免,我也是自私的,誰都會為自己先想。那個已經決定要正的日本排行前100位的公司,對正很有殺傷性。很有可能正就會選擇那個公司,囘日本去工作,我和正的感情也就會算是半死了。雖然說11月17-19日,他還會去參加BOSTON CAREER FAIR,21-25日去LAS VEGAS也是去看PANDA EXPRESS工作為前提的;但可能因爲以前有“因爲自己敵不過家庭和宗教,而劈腿,爲了讓自己好過一些,小兩嵗的田中”和“因爲和珊珊在一起會影響到自己的將來生活和夢想,而重返前女友,爲了更現實的將來,小三嵗的伊籐”,我在猜想會不會在正的心中已經決定好了何去何從了,只是現在在推延時間,不知道如何告訴我而已?也許期待的VEGAS之行,會是他已經計劃好了的分離前最後一次快樂奢侈旅行?
2006年9月27日 星期三 晴
A 計劃:
B 計劃:
2006年9月20日 星期三 晴
2006年9月18日 星期一 晴天
2006年9月8日 星期五 情
2006年9月5日 星期二 陰天
從《Happy go lucky》改名叫《M.S.G》,顧名思義這是我的一個秘密場所。本來把LINK放在了MSN的空間上,想說有心人也許回來看看。但是一想到惡人也有可能來看,我就打算還是把LINK取消的好。
Goodbye--Happy go lukcy
Slow Uploading... ...
My life has been normal. Nothing different happens. I was looking at my childhood pictures and thinking what did I do every day back then. I tried to remember from I was 5 years old and until now.
Everything for Panashie~!!

(MY CHINA) Today's Youth

It's great that they have a lot of freedom to choose what they want to wear now. When I was teenager, I was so limited by what should I wear from parents and school teachers. Now, from those pictures, I can tell that China is much open than 5 years ago~!!!

It's good time that people become so open-minded....but....sometimes it's not so good thing too~!! What are they doing every day?? Of cause, not only study....

(EAT THAT THING)--Obento Story
I tried to making lunch box from last summer, but I couldn't keep doing it. Why? Haha....as all the people know, I am lazy...sometimes....OK~I am lazy always~!!!!
But, I want to keep doing it because lunch box has many good points~!
1. Saving money~!
2. Health~!
3. Stay away from Student Center's food.
4. Feel happy to eat.
5. Keep my busy at night~! (cooking)

...........only three.....actally~~~I made four~~~but only took three pictures...I was gonna cook everyday, but....
Anyway, I try to cook agian~!!! I made two lunch boxes couple days ago. Haha....they looked good~!!! and it is good too~!!!!
rice and dish
I am gonng make tomorow's obento later~!! This time...what it will be???
Tried to make heats...
Feb is for lovers. I used pink color for my nail, which I don't really use. The pink color doesn't look too bad with white dots. I also tried to make little 3-D hearts~!! (Haha...cold laugh....) The hearts look so ugly~!!! 3-D art is much harder than I thought. It is easy to just make dots, but it is hard to make the dot to other shapes. I still need to study and do many times. Maybe the nails look not bad from the picture....it because they are in the picture~!!! If you see my nail close, you will know, they are ugly.....
SO~~~Don't look at my nail close~!!! From far away, they are cute~!!!
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Started having odd dreams. How to describe the dreams? Have you ever heard that people will see what happened to their life very fast like a moive before they gonna die? Yes, something like that. My dreams were like short moives of my life, all the people that I have met were showed up in my dreams.
The first day, I dreamed about my parents and grandparents; then every boyfriend that I had before, include someone I just love, but not boyfriend; then all my friends who went back to China and Japan.
The second day, I dreamed about every bosses that I had in my life, Chinese boss, American boss, Korean boss...; then all my high shcool friends were having fun with my elementary school friends. My friends in America who I don't meet that much; my friends who I meet often were working, and I was fired by my boss.
Maybe all the odd dreams caused by the hot heater.
After all, I am the odd one~haha...
Happy Chinese New Year

Once a year, it is Chinese new year time. Many people don't know why there is Chinese new year and why it is changing every year. In China, we use both traditional calendar and new calendar in China. The traditional calendar is basic on the season of farming, and every months has 30 days, not 31th.
Chinese new year is the biggest holiday, it is bigger than normal new year Jan. 1st. All the family memebers will meet together during the diner, everyone will wear red clothes which should be new. Children will get money from adult. It is the happiest time during the year for everyone.
Now, Chinese new year become one of the well-known international holiday around the world. If you want to feel the happinese of Chinese new year, you can go to Chinatwon~! If you missed this year's happinese, there will be next year~! Don't missed agian~!
John 3:16
神愛世人、 甚至將他的獨生子賜給他們、 叫一切信他的、 不至滅亡、 反得永生。
My car has being great for me. After I got her, she didn't make a lot of problems for me; but she is a old car. 96 Golf. Almost 10 years now, and with a high milage. Of cause, as all the cars, she has problems in her age. But, she has being really greatful, never had big problems, all small ones.
I know that I didn't take good care of her before. Girls wont' give much love to their car sometimes compare to boys. Haha...but I found out how important my car is for me. She took me and my friends to happeniese and enjoyment of our life. I can't live without her now. I must take care of her more.
I joined AAA.
AAA is great. I had people came to my house and replaced battery for her at the day I joined AAA. Little colorful started to have battery problem since last Nov. It happened three times, I had to do something about it. I called AAA, and asked the battery replacement service. They send people to my house in a hour and replaced battery infront of my house. I didn't have to pay labor fee or any other fees. The only thing that I paid for is the new battery, and it includes 3 year free replacement service. How great is that~!
Now when I driving, I feel more easy and less worry. That's great~!!!
(MY CHINA) ---Where is the civilization?
The story happened in a overcrowded train. It is most busy time of the year, the Chinese New Year is coming soon. Many laborers and students are going home for the biggest holiday of the year. There is no empty seats in the train, many people standing or sitting on the floor for hours to get home. After the train left the city about a hour, the train conductor started check the tickets. She stopped infront of a laborer who sat on the floor. The laborer looked dirty and tired.
"Your ticket." The conductor said to him.
The laborer took one ticket out of his coat pocket very slowly and carefully. He didn't give the ticket to the conductor, he just held it in his hand, and showed to the conductor. But, still, the conductor saw that was a ticket for under-age passenger.
She looked at the laborer with flout in her eyes, she said:" It's a under-age ticket. "
"Yes, I know." The laborer said carefully:" I bought it because it is same price with the ticket for disablilty passenger."
The conductor looked at the laborer from the head to tail:"Are you telling me you are a disablilty passenger?"
The laborer looked at the conductor, and smiled a bit:" Yes, I am."
" Is that right?" the conductor kept her eyes with flout:" Show me your certificate of handicap."
The laborer's smile stopped at his face, he speaked in very small voice:" I don't have one. That's why I bought the ticket for under-age passenger. The booking clerk asked my certificate of handicap in the train station too....but I don't have one, I only can buy ticket for under-age passenger."
The conductor laughed:"Haha...you don't have the certificate, how can you prove that you are handicap? You looks perfect fine for me."
The laborer with a red face, put his left trouser leg up above his left foot. He only has half left foot.....He looked at the conductor agian, said:" I lost half of my left foot at work, but it was impossible to get certificate of handicap in the city because I am just a laborer from country-side. I am not the registered permanent residence of the city. They don't give me one..."
"The rules only apply for the certificate, you don't have one, then you have to pay the full price." The conductor said to the laborer without enmation.
The laborer looked confused:"But, I am handicap. You saw my foot, do I still need a certificate to prove that?"
The conductor didn't want to talk to the laborer anymore, so she called the guard. The guard came very soon. He asked the ticket from the laborer agian, asked same question and got same answer from the laborer agian. Then, he said:" We don't prove you as handicap because you don't have the certificate. No matter if we can see you are handicap or not, you don't have certificate, you are not handicap."
The laborer lost his half foot at work....and now, he couldn't even go back home.
One old man who was sitting behide the laborer shot to the guard:" You are not man."
The guard felt angry and said:"How can you say that? Of cause, I am a man!"
"Well, then where is your certificate of man?" The old man asked the guard peacfully.
"Of cause I am a man. Can you see that? Do I need a certificate for that?" The guard became mad.
The old man said:" Then, show your dick to us. But, even if you have a dick, we still don't prove you are a man 'cause you have no certificate of man."
The guard didn't know what to say.....but the conductor said to the old man:" I am not man, you want to say something, say it to me."
The old man looked at her coldly:" You are not even a human."
"What~!" The conductor was mad and shot to the old man.
The old man smiled and said:" Please show us your certificate of human~!"
At the point, the laborer was looking at ground with tears in his eyes. The tears of agnry, sad, and thanks for the old man.
It's king of long story. I was really sad to think this kind of things might happen in my country, but I think it does. A lot of Chinese people still don't know what is civilization, what is love and respect. They are slefish, self-center, and ignorant. Normal Chinese people will never know how ignorant they are because they only see themselves in China.
For my home-counrty, which I love, I want it become more civiliation, and better. Not only have improvement at economy and the matter of life; also have improvement at thought, education and morality. It sad to see my own country un-civilizated.
After Storm
The morning news said many places were power off because of the storm, trees fell down and cahsed on the cars. The first house called me around 10 a.m, and said it's out off power. Lucky, my house is ok~!! And, lucky, the storm stopped after 2 p.m.
I took some pictures when the sun came out while storm gone~!! They look so beautiful~!

(EAT THAT THING) --- The Real Si Chuan Food(ONE)

From late 1980s, the WHITE hou-guo started getting popluar. WHITE simly means non-spicy. The soup of WHITE is made by chicken or fish. In side of it is tomato. People really like to eat what we call "鸳鸯埚" (LOVE BRIDS). Like the picture above, the huo-guo will be cut into half, one side is RED (spicy) and one side is WHITE (non-spicy). People like it because the WHITE soup is very health and at the same time, the non-spicy soup can calm down the spicy in the mouth.
What do we eat with Huo-guo?? You will be suprised to know that we eat almost everything. Everthing that you can think about it.The sytle of Huo-guo is changing very fast. Now, we have many differnt kind of it, but no matter how it changes, the SPICY will never be changed.
New Categories: "My China" and "Eat that Thing"
"My China": I will share my home country China with everyone, show every thing about it. The good thing and the bad thing. This is for people knowing my counrty a little bit more than just on TV, news or Moive; also, I can know about my counrty more too.
"Eat that Thing": In China, we say"民以食为天". It translated as " People thought the food as the sky", basic means "the food is as important as the sky for human, it is as hige as the sky". I will introudce many kind of food to my friends. haha...but~!!! Most of them will be the food that I cook~!!! Enjoy~!!!
Winter Woodberry~!!
I went to Woodberry with Takeshi and Sugi last week~! It was fun~! We didn't know we were gonna go there. Three of us wanted to do something or go somewhere, but none of us had idea. Then, I forgot who, but one of us said " let's go to woodberry". OK~nothing to do anyway. I called my friend who always go to woodberry, and asked him how to get there. It wasn't too hard to get there, but my friend told me wrong way~!!!!! Lucky, I found out soon after I felt it wasn't right, and didn't get lost. GOOD~!

I bought something from Woodberry~!!! A DIOR WALLET~!! I am very happy about it. It was not so so so expensive, but still it is the most expensive thing that I own now~!!! I like this wallet. I don't like those things which has brand labels all over them. This one only have the DIOR on the

I have a Louis Vuitton cardholder from long time ago. It has brand

I bought some other things from Woodberry, include three clothes and one boots~! I wanted a cowboy style boots from last winter, but they are all not cheap, around 100 something. I didn't want to spend that much money on it. I found it in Woodberry~!! Only 39~!!! Yeah~!! I was happy and bought it without think too much~!!! Takeshi and Sugsi bought some things too. Everybody was happy about the trip to Woodberry~!!!
It's good to go Woodberry sometimes. Maybe once or twice a year is good enough. Maybe I will go there during the summer break next time. Kills time and fun too. Good~!
What are you guys doing~!!!!
What are you guys doing~!!! The new people who moved to our house...made such a mess in the kitchen~!!! I don't understand~!!! Can you guys clean up after cook and eat? Can you guys eat inside of your own room??
and, they are lound too....
I will move out later~!!!!
Jan News
Oh....the fourth one got marride in my high shcool friends. xx and xx started to dating from 14. We were all suprised about their dating 'cause they were so young. The relationship keep for 11 years~!!! Fianlly, they married. I was kind of suprised about their marriage. Boyfriend use to cheatting on the girlfriend, everybody knows, but not the girlfriend. Well...I guess as long as the girlfriend doesn't know, it is alright. Maybe even if she knows right now, it doesn't matter anymore. Hope the boyfriend ( now husband) won't cheat any time soon.
When I was just 14, dating is a biggest news around friends. "Someone dates with someone" is a huge news for all friends. I don't remember from when, this kind of huge news are not important anymore. After 10 years of time, dating update to marriage. Marriage become the biggest news around friends now. 5 of my high school friends are married now.
Next biggest news might be have children or divorce. I guess the time will be in 5 to 10 years. Haha...kind of waiting for next biggest news. (but, where is my huge news?)