So far...
My life as a student is going alright. This time I really feel what busy is. I am very busy. Let's see...I only have four classes this year, but one of them is hard. All of them are very important classes, that I have to do my best. I wanna get all As for all my classes this time~! Thuesday is the more busy day for me. I have three classes, and one of them is capstone~the two and half hours class, which doesn't have break~! And, many many readings for that class.....good luck to me~!
Work is fine. I have to work from 10 am to 2 pm. It's not a long time, and if I have classes in between, I can go to my classes. The work is not hard work, but it has many details. I have to be careful about it. Also, dealing with people is hard. I have to dealing with many people, and the best is always smile to them. It's alright for me, but there are people that they don't like me or I don't like. However, I still have to be nice to them and make them feel good....well...that's part of the job~ I have to do it good.
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