Ah...Smile~! He is doing good with me~! I haven't talk about him at all, but I guess manybe people wanna know how is him.
He is doing good~!~!The weahter is too hot for those days. Smile is getting lazy and lazy/He doesn't do anything much normally, and not angry so often too.Which is so good to me.
I am very careful when I open the door and give him the food.I give food to him every day, greem leaves and banana. Smile loves banana so much.Every time he saw me bring the food and banana, he will be crazy~!Smile will wait at the open place of the door and open the mouth or move fast. Of cause, I am scared of him~!So, every time if he stay at upstar, I will put the food downstar...make sure he won't come out. If he come out~!~!~! I don't know what should I do~!Sometimes, he ate too much, the stmoch become so big. haha..kawaii ne.Smile is relaxing on the tree at downstar right now. No move at all..haha...I guess he is relaxing, or too hot to move~!
Lucky~ Pana and Smile are friendly with each other. They don't borhter each other at all.Yeah~ That's nice~! Peace first~!
It's kind of fun to have smile in my room. I don't dislike him, actually, I kind of like him. But he is just too scar for me....
Animals are nice~! Good to have a pet or two~!
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