Finally, The little colorful is MINE!!!
I got the little colorful last SEP. , but I never change the title under my name. So, druing the whole year, the little colorful was belong to someone elase. I like the little colorful a lot, finally, I decided go thought all those DMV goverment paper stuff. I went to DMV this morning, and got the title changed form. Then, the guy told me I have to have the insurance frist. So, I went to Nationwide , which was used by my friend before. The price was too high for me, I don't think I can pay that price. I went home and my friend told me there is a cheaper insurance company, so I called and their price is $500 lower. Of cause, I bought the insurance from that company. Then, I went back to DMV. There was a long line, and I saw Shotaro and Kasu infront of the line. They were there for car stuff too. I waited for more almost 2 hours to get everything. And, I get a new plate!!! Yeah, yeah, the little colorful is mine now!!! I spend more than $600 to get the little colorful ne. SO expensive.
I feel old now, I have to do all those things that adult do. I never think I am an adult, well, I nevre wanna be one, but I feel I have to be one and trying to be a one this year. I need to ne!! Anyway!!! Little colorful!!! Work hard o!! Love u , love u.
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