CAN and Shishamo
My Chinese good friend CAN came to visit me from Maryland yesterday. She visited me last winter, but she only stayed for 2 days and I was working and got sick. So, I didn't spend much time with her. This time, I have to go school during the day time, but I am taking her to NY after my school. We went to HN yesterday afternoon 'cause she wanted to visit YALE. However, YALE is boring, nothing to really see. We came back soon and just took our time for talking and relaxing.
This morning, I went to three of my classes and CAN just stayed at my house and relax. After school, we went to NY. CAN wanted to cut her hair in a nice salon, so I took her to AKI's place. AKI moved her shop to a new place, which is very nice. CAN cut her hair shorter, which we all like it. Yeah, she looks very cute and nice in the new hair style. And, for me, I had to cut my dead ends of my hair. As you all know, my hair is so bad!! I had to cut those dead ends to keep my new hair health. So, my hair is kind of short now. I don't really like short hair, but I can't do nothing about it. I am going to keep grow my hair and just cut the dead ends once a while. I still wanna long hair.
After hair cut, we went to East Village. CAN never eat any Japanese food expect sushi and shashimi. We didn't order a lot 'cause I don't really know those food's name. But, we did have good meal o! We went for a coffee after that and went to Japanese markt. We bought something for our hair. It was raining in NY, and it was cold. We will go to SOHO tomorrow, I hope it won't be raining again.
CAN will stay here two more days, I really happy and enjoy the time with her. She is one of my few good friends. I like her a lot. HAHAHA, we are having good time together, I am really happy that she's visit.