Today! Masa, Kuni, Toshi and I went to Misquamicut Beach in RI. Toshi and I got up around 8 a.m. Masa came to our place around 8:30 a.m. for cooking the rice ball. I cooked one cold dish, corn and washed cherry. Kuni supposed to come at 8:30 a.m. too, but he didn't show up. We were wondering if Kuni still would go or not. Toshi went to Orange to check on Kuni, and came back without him. We thought Kuni not able to go anymore. However, maybe 15 mins later, Kuni called Masa and he was coming. We left our place around 10:30 a.m., which was 1 hour and 30 mins late than we planed.
The high way traffic was so bad!!! I really don't like CT 95, it also traffic. It took a long time to get the Misquamicut Beach. When we arrived, it was already around 1:00. The beach was good!!! So many people around!! We found a good spot very soon. When we put all our stuff in order, Toshi and I went to the ocean first. The water was cold!!!! We just stayed in water for a little bit, then came up and ate lunch. Lunch was good too!!! After that, everybody went into water. Toshi rent a boogie board and we went into water with it. I didn't really play because I was kind of afraid. The waves were strong sometimes. I was KO by a huge wave, and my left army got hurt by the sand. It wasn't too bad. I didn't play for too long, but Masa, Kuni and Toshi did. It was really good time that we spend on the beach!! We video typed fun things and took pictures.
It was fun!!! Fun, fun, fun.
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