I started work as a nail person. I don't know how you guys call the people who work in the nail salon. Anyway, the place I work is called The Simply Nail salon and Spa. It's 30 mins drive from Bridgeport on 95 North, and it is the same place that Toshi and Masa worked before. Toshi and Masa build that place with the Korean Boss. From him, I met all those wonderful Korean women, and they asked me to work with them. I didn't know anything about nail. So, I had to study from very basic, but I am a good student (kidding). Anyway, I started take customers from last week, and I only had three customers per day. However, we had very, very, very, very busy day yesterday. I walked in to the salon at 9:30 a.m, I had first customer after five mins, and then, none stop until 3:00 p.m. I had lunch for 20 mins, and none stop until 5:30 p.m. Oh! What a day!!! But, I had 10 customers!!! 10 customers are a lot because I have to spend around 45 mins for each customers. But, it was all good. Today was busy too!! Since it was busy yesterday, I felt ok today. (PICTURE: Toshi, Masa and Korean Boss. Behide them is the nail salon which they was working on, and I am working now. Check on picture for bigger image.)

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