
Goodbye--Happy go lukcy

dear friends:
HAPPY GO LUCKY is not updating anymore
(THE NEW BLOG WILL BE:http://spaces.msn.com/1-3ofme/)


Slow Uploading... ...

Nine days since my last update. No because I am lazy, it because the upload speed is too slow~!! I was writing about Panashie, and wanted to upload pictures. I tried for three nights, but I couldn't upload everything that I wanted to. I am still waiting.....

My life has been normal. Nothing different happens. I was looking at my childhood pictures and thinking what did I do every day back then. I tried to remember from I was 5 years old and until now.

5 years old
7 a.m. wake up
8 a.m. eat breakfast
9 a.m. -- 12 p.m. classes time
12 p.m. eat lunch
1 p.m. -- 3 p.m. noon nap
3 p.m. -- 5 p.m. classes time
6 p.m. eat diner
7 p.m. -- 9 p.m. play time
9 p.m. sleep
10 years old
7 a.m. wake up
7:30 a.m. eat breakfas
8 a.m -- 12 p.m. School time
12 p.m. -- 2 p.m. Lunch break
2 p.m. -- 5 p.m. School time
5 p.m. -- 6 p.m. Club event
7 p.m. eat diner
8 p.m. -- 10 p.m. Homework time
11 p.m. Sleep
15 years old
6 a.m. wake up
7 a.m. Morning Class
8 a.m. eat breakfast
9 a.m. -- 12 p.m. School time
12 p.m. eat lunch
1 p.m. -- 2 p.m. Noon nap
3 p.m. -- 5 p.m. School time
5 p.m. -- 6 p.m. Free time
6 p.m. eat diner
8 p.m. -- 10 p.m. Night Classes
10:30 p.m Sleep
20 years old
9:30 a.m. wake up
11 a.m. Class
12 p.m. eat lunch
1 p.m.-- 2 p.m. play around
3 p.m. Class
4 p.m. -- 6 p.m. play around
6 p.m. eat diner
8 p.m. homework
9 p.m. -- unknown play around
unknown. sleep
unknown. wake up
12 p.m. eat lunch
1 p.m. -- unknown. work
unknown. eat diner
unknown. sleep
What a differences~!! Compare all five ages together, the frist three ages were nice. I thought I had less time to do my own things when I was younger, but I found out that I could done many of my own things before than now. I have much free time than before, but all the things that I want to do can't be done. I was looking at my old drawing book, and the last date on that drawing book was the year 1999. How about my writing? The last writing that I had done was the year 2001. Yes, I know that I have more things to worry about now, and I have new habit now, such as, photoshop and blog; but still, when old habit dies, new one can't replace.
I will still keep doing my best. Many things happen for reasons, I accpect what I am having now.


Everything for Panashie~!!

Study, study, study for how to giving Panashie a better life~!! Food is important...ok....then, I will start from food first.

Let's go to Shopping~!!
Friskes...panashie always eat this brand

Meow Mix~!! Panashie is having this now~!

I FOUND~!! SWEET GREENS~!! Panashie will be crazy ne~!!
I bought SWEET GREENS home. Let's make the sweet greens for panashie~!!! Open the box, put seeds in, put more water, and wait.....


(MY CHINA) Today's Youth

I visit couple bbs dalily. I like to watching what is going on with Chinese young people now, and I was suprised how much differences that they have with my teenage time~!!! Oh, my god~!!! They are totally Koreanlish or Japaneselish......

It's great that they have a lot of freedom to choose what they want to wear now. When I was teenager, I was so limited by what should I wear from parents and school teachers. Now, from those pictures, I can tell that China is much open than 5 years ago~!!!

It's good time that people become so open-minded....but....sometimes it's not so good thing too~!! What are they doing every day?? Of cause, not only study....


(EAT THAT THING)--Obento Story

I tried to making lunch box from last summer, but I couldn't keep doing it. Why? Haha....as all the people know, I am lazy...sometimes....OK~I am lazy always~!!!!

But, I want to keep doing it because lunch box has many good points~!
1. Saving money~!
2. Health~!
3. Stay away from Student Center's food.
4. Feel happy to eat.
5. Keep my busy at night~! (cooking)

Lunch boxs, which I made during summer



...........only three.....actally~~~I made four~~~but only took three pictures...I was gonna cook everyday, but....

Anyway, I try to cook agian~!!! I made two lunch boxes couple days ago. Haha....they looked good~!!! and it is good too~!!!!

rice and dish

I am gonng make tomorow's obento later~!! This time...what it will be???


Tried to make heats...

Feb is for lovers. I used pink color for my nail, which I don't really use. The pink color doesn't look too bad with white dots. I also tried to make little 3-D hearts~!! (Haha...cold laugh....) The hearts look so ugly~!!! 3-D art is much harder than I thought. It is easy to just make dots, but it is hard to make the dot to other shapes. I still need to study and do many times. Maybe the nails look not bad from the picture....it because they are in the picture~!!! If you see my nail close, you will know, they are ugly.....

SO~~~Don't look at my nail close~!!! From far away, they are cute~!!!

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I couldn't sleep well for couple of days already, so I told myself that's all because the heater is too warm.

Started having odd dreams. How to describe the dreams? Have you ever heard that people will see what happened to their life very fast like a moive before they gonna die? Yes, something like that. My dreams were like short moives of my life, all the people that I have met were showed up in my dreams.

The first day, I dreamed about my parents and grandparents; then every boyfriend that I had before, include someone I just love, but not boyfriend; then all my friends who went back to China and Japan.

The second day, I dreamed about every bosses that I had in my life, Chinese boss, American boss, Korean boss...; then all my high shcool friends were having fun with my elementary school friends. My friends in America who I don't meet that much; my friends who I meet often were working, and I was fired by my boss.

Maybe all the odd dreams caused by the hot heater.
After all, I am the odd one~haha...