Goodbye--Happy go lukcy
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My life has been normal. Nothing different happens. I was looking at my childhood pictures and thinking what did I do every day back then. I tried to remember from I was 5 years old and until now.
Everything for Panashie~!!

(MY CHINA) Today's Youth

It's great that they have a lot of freedom to choose what they want to wear now. When I was teenager, I was so limited by what should I wear from parents and school teachers. Now, from those pictures, I can tell that China is much open than 5 years ago~!!!

It's good time that people become so open-minded....but....sometimes it's not so good thing too~!! What are they doing every day?? Of cause, not only study....

(EAT THAT THING)--Obento Story
I tried to making lunch box from last summer, but I couldn't keep doing it. Why? Haha....as all the people know, I am lazy...sometimes....OK~I am lazy always~!!!!
But, I want to keep doing it because lunch box has many good points~!
1. Saving money~!
2. Health~!
3. Stay away from Student Center's food.
4. Feel happy to eat.
5. Keep my busy at night~! (cooking)

...........only three.....actally~~~I made four~~~but only took three pictures...I was gonna cook everyday, but....
Anyway, I try to cook agian~!!! I made two lunch boxes couple days ago. Haha....they looked good~!!! and it is good too~!!!!
rice and dish
I am gonng make tomorow's obento later~!! This time...what it will be???
Tried to make heats...
Feb is for lovers. I used pink color for my nail, which I don't really use. The pink color doesn't look too bad with white dots. I also tried to make little 3-D hearts~!! (Haha...cold laugh....) The hearts look so ugly~!!! 3-D art is much harder than I thought. It is easy to just make dots, but it is hard to make the dot to other shapes. I still need to study and do many times. Maybe the nails look not bad from the picture....it because they are in the picture~!!! If you see my nail close, you will know, they are ugly.....
SO~~~Don't look at my nail close~!!! From far away, they are cute~!!!
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Started having odd dreams. How to describe the dreams? Have you ever heard that people will see what happened to their life very fast like a moive before they gonna die? Yes, something like that. My dreams were like short moives of my life, all the people that I have met were showed up in my dreams.
The first day, I dreamed about my parents and grandparents; then every boyfriend that I had before, include someone I just love, but not boyfriend; then all my friends who went back to China and Japan.
The second day, I dreamed about every bosses that I had in my life, Chinese boss, American boss, Korean boss...; then all my high shcool friends were having fun with my elementary school friends. My friends in America who I don't meet that much; my friends who I meet often were working, and I was fired by my boss.
Maybe all the odd dreams caused by the hot heater.
After all, I am the odd one~haha...