11/26 is my mother's birthday~!!! Happy Birthday, my dear mother~!
My mother is 50 years old now...time passed so fast. I remember my father took me to buy birthday gift for her 30th birthday. Father and I walked into a lot of stores and spend a lot of time to looking for the perfect gift. We didn't have a lot of money at that time, and China didn't have a lot of fanscy things. We bought a sheep sculpture for her...haha...such a normal gift. But I found out how much my father loved my mother at that time. A man took 5 years old daughter with him, and looking for the perfect gift for his wife....ha....my dear parents....
My mother is a very goodness woman. Never try to hurt someone and loves my father. She gave up her job to take care of me and father, and she always is a perfect daughter for her father. When my grandpa was so sick, she is the only child who took such a care of him out of 4 children. My mother is a very simple mind woman, she has her small world and small happinese.
I love you~ Ma~~~!! 50 years.... thank you for taking care of me for 25 years. You smiled for me, cried for me too... I am sorry that I couldn't call you on your birthday...(I was sick over here)..But I wish you the best always. I wish I could make you happy one day...happy mother~!

To YOU who read my Blog
I don't know how many people read this blog;
as long asYOU read it,
andcome here to see my life once a while;
I will keep writing.
This blog is not only for me,
It is for YOU TOO.
Yes, YOU~!
Who come and share my life.
Remember a girl
Under this dark weather, I just recovered from flu, but still feel soft and no power. The Thanksgiving break with sick made me feel depressed. Oh, I almost forget that I am the Queen of depression.
Maybe because of this winter weather, I started to think negative things agian. Like, why I live in this world, what is my life going to, is there any future infront of me...? Last year, I was doing hard and being depressed at the same time around this time. After a Lovely spring and hype summer, I thought I got use to the old life already, but it comes back. Well, not the old life, but the old feelings come back.
Sleep whole day, do nothing. Un...that is my life.
I remember a girl, who use to be in my life. She always smiles or laugh, always. She talk lound, smile big, live hype...seems like she always have fun and good time. If you ask about her life or some event which she was in, the asnwer would always be " that was great". Sometimes, I'd think is that ture? No bad things happen to her at all? Everything in her life was great? Or, that just a way of living. When bad things happen, just say that was not too bad. Un...sounds like a lie, but does it really make happinese?
Life is great? or Live is great?
Maybe because of this winter weather, I started to think negative things agian. Like, why I live in this world, what is my life going to, is there any future infront of me...? Last year, I was doing hard and being depressed at the same time around this time. After a Lovely spring and hype summer, I thought I got use to the old life already, but it comes back. Well, not the old life, but the old feelings come back.
Sleep whole day, do nothing. Un...that is my life.
I remember a girl, who use to be in my life. She always smiles or laugh, always. She talk lound, smile big, live hype...seems like she always have fun and good time. If you ask about her life or some event which she was in, the asnwer would always be " that was great". Sometimes, I'd think is that ture? No bad things happen to her at all? Everything in her life was great? Or, that just a way of living. When bad things happen, just say that was not too bad. Un...sounds like a lie, but does it really make happinese?
Life is great? or Live is great?

NANA is great comic book~ yes it is.
Why is a great comic? A normal girl who loves all the sweet, cute things, good-looking guys and dream love, met a girl who has strong personality and a dream to catching. They are from different world, but share same life. NANA just simply tells how they struggled in their life, their relationship with friends and love ones. They love, they got hurt, they keep loving. It is great because it is close to life. Every book, moive, story which close to the real life are good enough to make people be touched. Another thing which I felt so touching from this story, one Nana is weak, easy to cry and easy to get hurts, but she never give up wishing this world is a beautiful world and accpeted whatever bad things were happening to her. She is weak, but strong. Another Nana, she looks strong from outside, punk girl, doesn't care a lot of things, fight with others; but deeply inside she is weak. A girl who is weak but strong and a girl who is strong but weak....is that typcially what girls are?
Good story, un~
The Mascot of 2008 Olympic Games
Beijing 2008 -- One world, one dream

I still remember that feeling when I was watching Chinese News from Internet. I saw people were laughing, jumping, dancing or even crying when China chose to be 2008 Olympics Game host country. From the small computer screen, I felt the emotions that Chinese people were having at the same time. I cried while I was watching it because of happy.
It might be a normal thing for America or England or Japan and some other countries to host the Olympics. But, for China, a counrty was in the wars for more than 100 years, a counrty is called thrid-world-counrty by others, a counrty struggled for development; it is a great honor, a great respect for it and its people. Of cause, at that moment, all the Chinese in the world, no matter he/she hates China or love China, their chinese soul and blood were jumping with the News. That was a time for a lot of Chinese who are outside of China, feel proud to be a Chinese. At least, for me, it was true.
I have been in America for 8 years now. I always had the feeling that I am not good enough because I am Chinese. The other countries people look down us, I know that. How many times that when Korean or Taiwanese came and smiled to me and asked me if I am Japanese or not, and turned away cold after knowing I am Chinese. I saw the look of their face :" Ha--Chinese--" I don't believe that I am lower than other counrties people, but it does hurts when people look down you just because of your nationality. I don't think that Chinese are greater or better than other countreis' people. We all same, all the people of the world. We all have good point or bad point, and our culture differeces make people misunderstand each other. When I don't smile, doesn't mean I am not happy; when I don't cry, doesn't mean it's not hurts. When I said I like Japan, doesn't mean I don't love my own country. There are great gaps between all cultures, people really should try to explain their own culture to others, and try to make the misundersanding smaller and smaller. Well...at least, I hope my own people (Chinese) know that too, don't hate one race or country just because that's what everybody does.
Wooo...I talked too much...Thanks for reading.
Fall of UB

Today is cold.
I like Fall. I think Fall is more mature season of the four. Haha...mature. Warm colour, soft weather, that kind of cool but calm feeling; yeah, I like Fall.
My hometown's fall is long, but no colour. Only yellow and dry colour with the cold air which goes into your bone. Fall of CT is kind of short, I guess after today's rain, the winter will be offically here. But, I still like the Fall of UB. Every time I walk in the campus, I tried to go under the trees. Haha...just let the colourful dying leaves fall on me..haha..And, I tried to walking into the dry leaves on the ground. Walk on them, and listern to them "chi-chi-chi" sound.
Fall is good, also passing away. (Un~! Beautiful things pass away fast)
BOSTON WEEK--Part Three-10-23-05
Part Three
We didn't have to get up ealry~!! That was great thing for us. We all liked to sleep little bit longer after two days of hurry hurry. I think we got up around 11 a.m, well, who got up the first,which I don't remember. Anyway, we didn't have to hurry up in the morning which was so great for students who are all have ealry morning class like us. After we all got up, we took our time to washing up, dressing up and making up ( of cause, that was jut me). We had time to take pictures for each other, that was very fun.
Where should we go?? We went to a mall first, which is close to the hotel. Un...all American Mall are looking same...We went to eat some things for breakfast, but the mall's food court was so bad. Tomoatsu, Takeshi and I ate very bad Chinese food...well...anyway. Where should we go next?We thought and thought, and Tomoatsu wanted to go to Harvary. OK~! Then, let's go to Harvary.
We parked the car close to WTC, and took bus to Harvary. My car was
kind of borken...it was making huge noise...we were all kind of worried. But, it didn't stop us to go Harvary. Even we had enough time to stay on the bed as long as we could, some of us were stil tired. Haha...or they were just bored in the subway...haha...Acutally, before Harvary, we wanted to go one more place. It suppose to be a nice place with a lot of shops, but it was nothing there. Woo...cold day too. We
gave up the suppose-to-be-well-known place, and went to Harvary.

This time we didn't just go to those shops. Well, we went to some shops first. Takeshi and Tomoatsu went to the ciguar store which Takeshi and I saw another day. And, I found out they sale 555 in there. Ha...how long I haven't see that brand? Takeshi bought some cigar leaves 'cause he wanted to try. After that, we went to take look the campus of Harvary. Last time when I was in Harvary, Lei took me look around Harvary, of cause he knew where to go and what to see. This time, I couldn't remember and find where is where. We just walked around and saw a lot of vistors were taking pictures. Of cause we did too. I didn't know that time, my last
film wasn't working well. All the pictures that we took over there, I only had two.....but those two were nice pictures. Harvard capmus looks nice even it was kind of rainning and cold. We didn't stay there for too long, the time we left Boston was around 5 p.m.

One thing which we all worried about is my car. My car was kind of borken, reason is still unknown. We worried about what if the car stopped on the way home. Three hours drive....if end up at nowhere, how can we get home? And, three of us (Masa, Tomoatsu and I) had class the next day.... ... ...however~! Lucky~!! Nothing really bad happened, expect the huge noise my car was making. When we got home, it was around 9:00 p.m, acutally it was ealrier to arrive home than we thought.
Waa... only three days of trip, but it was very nice time. My frist time travel to somewhere with many people, well, it was only three, but good enough.
Thanks everyone went to the trip with me, it was nice time that I shared with you guys. Looking forward to the next trip~!
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