Late Night Moive Channel. I cry everything I heard it. It is a very beautiful Chinese song. Here is the Lines for Non-Chinese friends:
Don't Let Love go
I am stilling waitting
The heart is still preparing the final plan
Bring back the past days,
bring them back from the beinging
Don't say Goodbye
My heart start to crying
Late night moive channle
Listen to their dialogue
The pain of be apart
Breaken hearts but cannot be helped
Can't love each other
Oh. No
I can't say Goodbye
My heart start to crying
I am still waiting
The commonness future
The color of the past times
Oh. No
I can't say Goodbye
My heart start to crying
I am still waiting
The commoness future
The old times return.

做了什么? 做错了什么?
最近,一直在问自己.这一两年来,我到底在做什么? 做了些什么,做错了些什么.
真得心力交瘁了. 所以才打算用中文来写这篇文章,也许心中的那种苦楚,只有能看得懂中文的人才能通过我的文字感受到吧. 这两天没去上课,从感恩节开始,就在家里一个人哭泣. 眼睛已经经过千锤百炼了,不会红,也不会肿.皮肤也不会再有什么不良反应,完完全全的有了抗体.只是那颗心,那颗心再怎么,也经不起泪水的袭击.该破的地方还是破了.
算是已经很累了吧.张着嘴巴,却不能说话.从喉咙中出来的,只有尖锐的呐喊.刺痛我的耳朵,我的灵魂. 我问上天,到底要我怎么样,用哭泣的声音问上天,用无助的眼生看上天. 上天不语,只是出这刺眼的太阳,笑眯眯的看着我.看着我的眼睛被强烈的阳光刺出了泪.
有时候大脑已经不受自己的控制, 疯疯癫癫的过日子.想起很早以前就觉得傻子应该活的更快乐,也想起很久以前,觉得自己这身应该在山上的尼姑庵度过. 有那些想法的时候,我还没有18岁吧. 居然能够看到未来.
忠由说, 从电话中听出我的伤痛.
君敏说, 从照片中看出我的伤痛.
还有多久? 才能逃出去?
我反反复复得问自己, 我做了什么? 做错了什么? 这是考验, 还是惩罚?
真得心力交瘁了. 所以才打算用中文来写这篇文章,也许心中的那种苦楚,只有能看得懂中文的人才能通过我的文字感受到吧. 这两天没去上课,从感恩节开始,就在家里一个人哭泣. 眼睛已经经过千锤百炼了,不会红,也不会肿.皮肤也不会再有什么不良反应,完完全全的有了抗体.只是那颗心,那颗心再怎么,也经不起泪水的袭击.该破的地方还是破了.
算是已经很累了吧.张着嘴巴,却不能说话.从喉咙中出来的,只有尖锐的呐喊.刺痛我的耳朵,我的灵魂. 我问上天,到底要我怎么样,用哭泣的声音问上天,用无助的眼生看上天. 上天不语,只是出这刺眼的太阳,笑眯眯的看着我.看着我的眼睛被强烈的阳光刺出了泪.
有时候大脑已经不受自己的控制, 疯疯癫癫的过日子.想起很早以前就觉得傻子应该活的更快乐,也想起很久以前,觉得自己这身应该在山上的尼姑庵度过. 有那些想法的时候,我还没有18岁吧. 居然能够看到未来.
忠由说, 从电话中听出我的伤痛.
君敏说, 从照片中看出我的伤痛.
还有多久? 才能逃出去?
我反反复复得问自己, 我做了什么? 做错了什么? 这是考验, 还是惩罚?
What a picture!
This thanksgving was nice. I went to Orange for thanksgiving diner. Everybody had to bring something, so I cooked steam egg. Everyone liked it. Party was nice, but I felt stressed. Well, I always feel stressed.
I remember last thanksgiving. I went to party in Orange too and cooked Chinese food too. Toshi was there too.......
... ... ... anyway... ... ...

This thanksgving was nice. I went to Orange for thanksgiving diner. Everybody had to bring something, so I cooked steam egg. Everyone liked it. Party was nice, but I felt stressed. Well, I always feel stressed.
I remember last thanksgiving. I went to party in Orange too and cooked Chinese food too. Toshi was there too.......
... ... ... anyway... ... ...
Becuase of Unknown, I am Scared
I am not that kind of person who plan the future, but I do have a big idea of what might happen in the future normally. Everybody does, right? I think everyone has a big idea of future in their mind. But, I can't image any big idea for the future now. I don't know what will happen next. When you don't know what will happen tomorrow, you will feel scared. I am. I don't know anything about tomorrow. I don't even know what kind of life I will be in.
Why we have to go through all those things that no other people have to go through? Are we really have that much sin that we have to be tortured by life? God. I don't know. Unknown future is really makes me scared.
I only hope everything will be alright. I try to be strong, I have to be strong for others. If both of us are weak, we are not gonna go through this hard time. It is so hard, but I will try my best to go through. Oh, God. It is hard.

I am not that kind of person who plan the future, but I do have a big idea of what might happen in the future normally. Everybody does, right? I think everyone has a big idea of future in their mind. But, I can't image any big idea for the future now. I don't know what will happen next. When you don't know what will happen tomorrow, you will feel scared. I am. I don't know anything about tomorrow. I don't even know what kind of life I will be in.
Why we have to go through all those things that no other people have to go through? Are we really have that much sin that we have to be tortured by life? God. I don't know. Unknown future is really makes me scared.
I only hope everything will be alright. I try to be strong, I have to be strong for others. If both of us are weak, we are not gonna go through this hard time. It is so hard, but I will try my best to go through. Oh, God. It is hard.
I get a picture of Foxy o.. Take me so long to get his picture. I always want to have a picture of him, but I always forget bring my camra with me. Fianlly, I remember and he was there waiting for me. I took couple pictures for him, but he turned his face away every time. This is the best that I got. Well. Foxy is cute... I am keep giving him food.

Born 2003 - Die 2004
I like this bowl a lot, it was my favored !
It died. In Chinese saying, everything has its begining and its ending, inculde a chair, a TV or a bowl. My faoved bowl just reached his ending a day before yesterday. I was sad, honto. I have a lot of feelings for things that I like a lot. It might be really funny for you guys, but I cried when I saw him on the floor in three parts. I know it is kind of too much, but once I cried when I burned my favored towel.
I bought this bowl when I went to Boston last winter with Toshi. I like it a lot and used it for all my dinner. He was a good bowl. I didn't throw him away. I keep it in my room, maybe I can find someway to fix it.

It died. In Chinese saying, everything has its begining and its ending, inculde a chair, a TV or a bowl. My faoved bowl just reached his ending a day before yesterday. I was sad, honto. I have a lot of feelings for things that I like a lot. It might be really funny for you guys, but I cried when I saw him on the floor in three parts. I know it is kind of too much, but once I cried when I burned my favored towel.
I bought this bowl when I went to Boston last winter with Toshi. I like it a lot and used it for all my dinner. He was a good bowl. I didn't throw him away. I keep it in my room, maybe I can find someway to fix it.
The Biggest One So Far
It's hurts today.
I have to work hard in Soul Beat. I can't get some of the moves easily, but I do wanna be good at it. I know it takes time, but just wanna try my best for it.
I think I will wear something to portact my shoulder next time. It was ok before, but now it is kind of hurt if I touch.
Anyway, I am so so so tired now. Today's Soul Beat is the most tired one so far. I need to sleep soon.

I have to work hard in Soul Beat. I can't get some of the moves easily, but I do wanna be good at it. I know it takes time, but just wanna try my best for it.
I think I will wear something to portact my shoulder next time. It was ok before, but now it is kind of hurt if I touch.
Anyway, I am so so so tired now. Today's Soul Beat is the most tired one so far. I need to sleep soon.
Dreaming Kafka 託夢的卡伕卡
Kafka is big now, but he just sleeps most of the time.
Winter is coming. Kafka sleeps much more than before. He wakes up sometimes, but goes back to sleep soon. I did't put any water in the tank because I think he doesn't need water and he doesn't wanna water either. Since, he doesn't move a lot, I just give him food once a while and he didn't even eat that much.
One night of this week, I dreamed about Kafka. Kafka was hang on a truncheon which above my head. He was moving around and tried to go down. I looked at him and he put his front feet on my head, above my eyes. I felt pain above my eyes, and I took look at Kafka, his nail was hurting me. It was so pain and I woke up because of it. After I woke up, I still can feel the pain. I felt strange about it, and went to website to check what does it means about dreaming Kafka. The website didn't say that much, and I forget about it soon later.
That afternoon, I came home and saw Kafka woke up. I gave some food to him, but he didn't eat. Then, I was thinking maybe he need water, so I got some water for him. While I put water in the tank, I saw a lot of small flies came out of the tank!!! I was spruised and took good look inside of the tank. Guess what I saw?? A lot of small molluscs!!!! I felt so sick!!! I took tank to cleaning up, and it took more than 30 mins. I think what happened is I thought the tank was dry, no water at all, but the fact is there was some water between the stones. And, I gave the food, but Kafka didn't eat, so all those food produced the molluscs.
Later that day, I remember the dream about Kafka. Oh, my god. Did Kafka try to tell me that he was in pain in my dream? So, he used his nail to hurting me? Well, I am happy that he told me by the dream before it is too late. But, it is still odd for me.

Winter is coming. Kafka sleeps much more than before. He wakes up sometimes, but goes back to sleep soon. I did't put any water in the tank because I think he doesn't need water and he doesn't wanna water either. Since, he doesn't move a lot, I just give him food once a while and he didn't even eat that much.
One night of this week, I dreamed about Kafka. Kafka was hang on a truncheon which above my head. He was moving around and tried to go down. I looked at him and he put his front feet on my head, above my eyes. I felt pain above my eyes, and I took look at Kafka, his nail was hurting me. It was so pain and I woke up because of it. After I woke up, I still can feel the pain. I felt strange about it, and went to website to check what does it means about dreaming Kafka. The website didn't say that much, and I forget about it soon later.
That afternoon, I came home and saw Kafka woke up. I gave some food to him, but he didn't eat. Then, I was thinking maybe he need water, so I got some water for him. While I put water in the tank, I saw a lot of small flies came out of the tank!!! I was spruised and took good look inside of the tank. Guess what I saw?? A lot of small molluscs!!!! I felt so sick!!! I took tank to cleaning up, and it took more than 30 mins. I think what happened is I thought the tank was dry, no water at all, but the fact is there was some water between the stones. And, I gave the food, but Kafka didn't eat, so all those food produced the molluscs.
Later that day, I remember the dream about Kafka. Oh, my god. Did Kafka try to tell me that he was in pain in my dream? So, he used his nail to hurting me? Well, I am happy that he told me by the dream before it is too late. But, it is still odd for me.
My hurts from Soul Beat
This is what I got from Soul Beat!!!
And, this is just a part of it. My others are on my shoulder, lower back and other places.
I wanna do good in Soul Beat. I never really did anything good, so I wanna try hard this time. Also, for my life too.
So, no matter how much hurts I will get from Soul Beat and the Life. I will keep going and going! Never give up o!!

This is what I got from Soul Beat!!!
And, this is just a part of it. My others are on my shoulder, lower back and other places.
I wanna do good in Soul Beat. I never really did anything good, so I wanna try hard this time. Also, for my life too.
So, no matter how much hurts I will get from Soul Beat and the Life. I will keep going and going! Never give up o!!
I am... ...Crying Mon Chi chi
My favored Mon Chi chi. So cute when she cries.
I am honto crying Mon Chi chi now. I got a D for my last Japanese quiz, which made me so upset and disapointed at myself. But, Japanese class is getting harder and harder, that is for real. I know I didn't study as hard as before mid-term, which is really not good.
I am too emtional, so easy change my plan or life because of my emtion. I have to change that part of me too. It is hard, it is hard.
Well, I am still trying. Just like the song which we are using for soul beat " I try ": I try, I try, I try, you know I try....".

I am honto crying Mon Chi chi now. I got a D for my last Japanese quiz, which made me so upset and disapointed at myself. But, Japanese class is getting harder and harder, that is for real. I know I didn't study as hard as before mid-term, which is really not good.
I am too emtional, so easy change my plan or life because of my emtion. I have to change that part of me too. It is hard, it is hard.
Well, I am still trying. Just like the song which we are using for soul beat " I try ": I try, I try, I try, you know I try....".
Nobody - Snow - Fat
Nobody came to nail salon for there two days. Too COLD!! I only had 5 customers yesterday and 7 today. It is not good for me 'cause I can't make much money if there is nobody. But, I got time to study. I am re-studying Japanese. I kind of got left behind after mid-term, that I feel it is time for me to catch it up before it will be too late. I have to study hard for Japanese, that will be part of me in the furture, like English.
Last night, as everybody know, was so cold!!! So cold. I didn't wanna go out at all, so I stayed home, ate noodle for diner and sleep. This morning, I saw snow outside that I was suprised. It wasn't a lot, but still. Luckly, today is not that cold. Much better that yesterday. Oh, Panashie's hair got longer because of winter. So, she looks fatter than before which is good, looks cute.
Well, Panashie is not getting fat, but I am. I think I am. I dont' want be like last winter. I was fat last winter, so I control whatever I ate. I didn't ate any sweet after 8 pm or 9 pm. But, I still think I got fat a little bit. I can't do anything about it, I know it is because of the winter. The korean lady who works in the nail salon told me that when woman get older, their body change too. They are easlier to get fat and hard to lose the fat. Oh, my god. She is only 5 years older than me. I have to keep eyes on myself. I think I will try to work out more, be fit, be fit!!!
Last night, as everybody know, was so cold!!! So cold. I didn't wanna go out at all, so I stayed home, ate noodle for diner and sleep. This morning, I saw snow outside that I was suprised. It wasn't a lot, but still. Luckly, today is not that cold. Much better that yesterday. Oh, Panashie's hair got longer because of winter. So, she looks fatter than before which is good, looks cute.
Well, Panashie is not getting fat, but I am. I think I am. I dont' want be like last winter. I was fat last winter, so I control whatever I ate. I didn't ate any sweet after 8 pm or 9 pm. But, I still think I got fat a little bit. I can't do anything about it, I know it is because of the winter. The korean lady who works in the nail salon told me that when woman get older, their body change too. They are easlier to get fat and hard to lose the fat. Oh, my god. She is only 5 years older than me. I have to keep eyes on myself. I think I will try to work out more, be fit, be fit!!!
Hate, I DO NOT hate
I don't hate.
How can I hate?
That's one part of you;
That made you as you;
You won't be you without that part;
I do hate.
How can i don't hate?
That's one part of you;
That's one part of you which came with you and will be gone with you too;
That's a part of you which no one can change;
I don't hate.
How can I hate?
I am deeply in love with you.
I dont' hate.
I will never do.
How can I hate?
That's one part of you;
That made you as you;
You won't be you without that part;
I do hate.
How can i don't hate?
That's one part of you;
That's one part of you which came with you and will be gone with you too;
That's a part of you which no one can change;
I don't hate.
How can I hate?
I am deeply in love with you.
I dont' hate.
I will never do.
ONLY U CAN ... ...
I still miss you a lot. After 3 months apart, I miss u even more than before. I was depressed because of the reality life, the lonlness, the sad mood of miss you. But, you made everything so beautiful again.
How can you have a power like that?
Thank you for everything, and I will keep trying my best for you, for myself, for the future.

I still miss you a lot. After 3 months apart, I miss u even more than before. I was depressed because of the reality life, the lonlness, the sad mood of miss you. But, you made everything so beautiful again.
How can you have a power like that?
Thank you for everything, and I will keep trying my best for you, for myself, for the future.
sOuL BeAt ... ... is a go!!
SOUL BEAT LOGO: designed by 島原正列
I went to Soul Beat today which I should go two times a week, but I haven't. I like to go Soul Beat for real, I am just so lazy sometimes or something came up.
From last week, Soul Beat became harder. We have to do some hard moves which Mai and I have problems to doing it. It is hard for girls, but we wanna try our best. So, we kept trying and trying. I got hurts all over my body, my necks, my shoulder, my back. So hurts. I am sure Mai feel hurts too.
However!!!! We will keep trying 'cause Soul Beat is a go!!! Go, go, go!!!
Anyway. I am tired becasue of Soul Beat. I have to go sleep now. Class tomorrow morning.

I went to Soul Beat today which I should go two times a week, but I haven't. I like to go Soul Beat for real, I am just so lazy sometimes or something came up.
From last week, Soul Beat became harder. We have to do some hard moves which Mai and I have problems to doing it. It is hard for girls, but we wanna try our best. So, we kept trying and trying. I got hurts all over my body, my necks, my shoulder, my back. So hurts. I am sure Mai feel hurts too.
However!!!! We will keep trying 'cause Soul Beat is a go!!! Go, go, go!!!
Anyway. I am tired becasue of Soul Beat. I have to go sleep now. Class tomorrow morning.
When Jazz meet Wine
I am depressed since yesterday. And, couldn't find a way out. For some people, they are tired to hearing this. They told me that I am always sad or depress. I am not.
But, yesterday and today, I have being.
I can't open myself agian. Not even to Risa or Masa. I can't show my real inside agian, and only can cry alone agian. Sometimes, just cry for no reasons; sometimes, wanna cry but no more tears.
Guess what. I am listerning to Jazz and drinking Wine. I can't drink at all. I just drunk a little bit, my face is red already. I just wanna relax, I wanna be able to forget so many things. Jazz is good. I like Jazz a lot. My mood, my mind, flowing with the music. I know what I need to make this time perfect: smoking. Can I? Am I? Should I? I am not smoking right now.
Cry me a river... ... Let me fall... ...
But, yesterday and today, I have being.
I can't open myself agian. Not even to Risa or Masa. I can't show my real inside agian, and only can cry alone agian. Sometimes, just cry for no reasons; sometimes, wanna cry but no more tears.
Guess what. I am listerning to Jazz and drinking Wine. I can't drink at all. I just drunk a little bit, my face is red already. I just wanna relax, I wanna be able to forget so many things. Jazz is good. I like Jazz a lot. My mood, my mind, flowing with the music. I know what I need to make this time perfect: smoking. Can I? Am I? Should I? I am not smoking right now.
Cry me a river... ... Let me fall... ...
Phone Call From LA
I got phone call from my high school friend who I met again in US and now in LA. He is going to Marine Corps tomorrow morning. He told me about it around 2 months ago, and I was suprised by his decision.
He is a very funny guy in a good way. The first time I met him when I was 16, and I found out that his birthday is 3-15, which is one day ealier than mine. We became nice friends, and then I came to US. After I came to US one year, he came too, and we became classmates agian. We didn't really hang out a lot, but everytime we met, we would have great fun time. After two years in VA, he went to LA. We call each other sometimes, and keep our friendship good. He always sounded happy even the life of his wasn't that good. He didn't go school after went to LA and became full time waiter. We all know who hard it is being a waiter if you worked in US as waiter. He always, really, always sounds this life is beautiful.
Today, he called. I heard one sad sound from him, and I asked him what happened. He told me that he is going to Marine Corps tomorrow morning for 3 months. I heard the sadness from the cell. I care about him 'cause I don't know if he willl go to the war after 3 months or not if there will be a war. I don't wanna lose a friend like him.
I guess both of us didn't feel so happy. We kept silents for a while. I told him to take care of himself, and hope the best for him. Well, Best for him for real. God bless you.
He is a very funny guy in a good way. The first time I met him when I was 16, and I found out that his birthday is 3-15, which is one day ealier than mine. We became nice friends, and then I came to US. After I came to US one year, he came too, and we became classmates agian. We didn't really hang out a lot, but everytime we met, we would have great fun time. After two years in VA, he went to LA. We call each other sometimes, and keep our friendship good. He always sounded happy even the life of his wasn't that good. He didn't go school after went to LA and became full time waiter. We all know who hard it is being a waiter if you worked in US as waiter. He always, really, always sounds this life is beautiful.
Today, he called. I heard one sad sound from him, and I asked him what happened. He told me that he is going to Marine Corps tomorrow morning for 3 months. I heard the sadness from the cell. I care about him 'cause I don't know if he willl go to the war after 3 months or not if there will be a war. I don't wanna lose a friend like him.
I guess both of us didn't feel so happy. We kept silents for a while. I told him to take care of himself, and hope the best for him. Well, Best for him for real. God bless you.
I am having a very bad hair day. I took a shower last night before I sleep as all other days. I use to take shower in the morning, but I don't have enough time these days. Besides, I style my hair everyday, so I don't have to care what my hair looks like in the moring after I wake up. However, I think I am wrong. My hair looks so bad this morning!! So bad!! No matter how I style it, it looks bad!!
I went to Japanese class with this hair, and I am going to my afternoon class soon. I think I will wear a hat or something to cover my hair. Maybe I should wash it in the morning again,but I might not have enough time ne... ...

I am having a very bad hair day. I took a shower last night before I sleep as all other days. I use to take shower in the morning, but I don't have enough time these days. Besides, I style my hair everyday, so I don't have to care what my hair looks like in the moring after I wake up. However, I think I am wrong. My hair looks so bad this morning!! So bad!! No matter how I style it, it looks bad!!
I went to Japanese class with this hair, and I am going to my afternoon class soon. I think I will wear a hat or something to cover my hair. Maybe I should wash it in the morning again,but I might not have enough time ne... ...
Winter Fat
I think I am getting fat. I always feel ate too much for diner from last week, and I can't help with it. I ate a full bowl of Pasta, which I didn't think I can eat all. After that, I ate ice cream... ...! Tonight, I ate one small hot&Sour Soup and small beef Lomian. After that, I ate cake which Risa bought from NY. The cake was good, I like it, but I ate too much again!!I remember that I was fat last winter becuase I ate too much sweet during the night, but I didn't eat any sweet during late night, I shouldn't get fat ne!
Look at the picture. My face was fat!!! I hope I won't be fat so much this year. I think I have to control my eating now. En... cannot be fat!!!
Look at the picture. My face was fat!!! I hope I won't be fat so much this year. I think I have to control my eating now. En... cannot be fat!!!
Leaving leaves

ししゃも 版权所有
I was suprised to see all those beautiful leaves fell from the tree just a week. There were two trees which had full of nice yellow leaves around student center. I looked at them everytime, I passed them by. They were so pertty, shining under the sun, like yellow gold. They were just nice looking.
This week, I was walking pass by those trees. And, I saw there are nothing left on the thees. I didn't know they would fall that soon. Anyway, after leave. The snow will come.
Foxy is a wild cat who live outside of my house. Toshi and I named her/him Foxy because she/he looks like a fox. Foxy is a very cute and nice cat. She/he is bigger than Panashie, and has black and white long hair. She/he is always around my house, and everytime she/he saw me, she/he will run to me and push my legs.
Tonight, I was kind of upset. I was going to Soul Beat, but because of my mood, I changed my mind. I went out of my house, and stayed on the stars, looked at the coolish night. Foxy saw me from another house, and she/he ran to me. I always like her/him, so I went to upstar and got some food for her/him. Foxy was eating like carzy, and I just looked at the road, felt the wind of tonight. After eating, Foxy jumpped to my legs, and stayed there for long time. She/he didn't wanna to leave. I was touching foxy's body and talking to her/him. I feel kind of carzy, that talked with a cat. But, I need to speak my feeling out, and I don't wanna show my that feeling to human beings. Human beings are good at judge people while they are sharing their feelings, but cat just a good listener. At this point, a good listener is much better and important than a good judger.
I wanna take Foxy home, but I can't take care of two cat. I like Panashie anyway even she only eat and sleep at the most of time. I think I need to take a shower. Foxy wasn't clear o!!!!
Tonight, I was kind of upset. I was going to Soul Beat, but because of my mood, I changed my mind. I went out of my house, and stayed on the stars, looked at the coolish night. Foxy saw me from another house, and she/he ran to me. I always like her/him, so I went to upstar and got some food for her/him. Foxy was eating like carzy, and I just looked at the road, felt the wind of tonight. After eating, Foxy jumpped to my legs, and stayed there for long time. She/he didn't wanna to leave. I was touching foxy's body and talking to her/him. I feel kind of carzy, that talked with a cat. But, I need to speak my feeling out, and I don't wanna show my that feeling to human beings. Human beings are good at judge people while they are sharing their feelings, but cat just a good listener. At this point, a good listener is much better and important than a good judger.
I wanna take Foxy home, but I can't take care of two cat. I like Panashie anyway even she only eat and sleep at the most of time. I think I need to take a shower. Foxy wasn't clear o!!!!
Where is the End?

ししゃも 版权所有
So tired, right? We all walk by ourself and try to walk fast and strong. No stop and no relaxing. Where are we going? At lease, I don't know. Do I suppose to know? Yes. Do I know for sure? No. Where am I going? Why I trying so hard for? The belif.
Wake up, Call, School, Home, Call, Home, Call, Cry, Sleep, Wake up.
Where is the end? I am tired. But, I will keep going until the end comes.
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