Yeah! We went to Six Flags on last Sunday!!!! Finally!!! The group members are Koji, Mayumi, Sugiyama, Kayoko, Masa, Toshi and I. We met at 9:00 a.m. at the parking lot outside of Koji's place again, and left around 9:30. Stopped at exit 40 for breakfast again. Toshi, Masa, Koji and I sit at the same place that we sit last time. This time, the weather looked good even the weather report said it would be rain.
When we arrived at Six Flags, not so many people were there which was good for us 'cause we didn't have to wait for long time to ride. And the weather was not bad at all, in fact, it started getting hot. The first ride that we went to was kind of scare for me. I was screaming all the way from the beginning to the end. The second one is the wood one, not so scare, but felt not so safe when we ride it. After a while, I got use to those scare ride, then start to enjoy it. Hahahaha, I was laughing when I ride.
We took a funny picture together, Koji has the picture right now. And, I will show you guys later after I get it. We went home around 4 - 5 p.m. Right after we left six flags, it started to rain. Really really really hard rain. We stopped at Ivy, had good dinner together.
Six Flags was nice!!!! I hope I could go again. Maybe I will go with Can or Lei!!!
终于,在星期天我和七个日本朋友去了SIX FLAGS。哈哈,我一直都想去SF, 但是一直都没有机会,全是因为天气,老是下雨。本来天气预报说星期天的时候依然会下雨,但是我和KoJI都觉得应该没有什么问题,因为只是说雷阵雨而已。出乎意料的,星期天的天气好得不得了,我们在SF的时候一点雨都没有。
可真是很累的一天,但是真的是SUPER FUN!!!!